In-Person Gathering, June 23, 2024

In-Person Gathering, June 23, 2024

Join us this Sunday at 10:30 AM for our last gathering at the Bowness Community Hall for the summer.

It will be a family time of prayer, worship, sharing and encouragement as we step further into His hope, His longing for union with each of us, and His constant unending love.

May we respond, “Abba, I belong to You.”

If you want to join some pre-service prayer, come at 10:10 and connect with Chelm and those who feel to listen and align with the Spirit’s leading.

Also, kids eight and under will meet after worship for fun and teaching downstairs.

Hope to see you Sunday!

Summer Fun

We shared in May, about what we’re calling “Summer Fun”, and invite each of you to think about what it would look like for you to step into.  We sense that this summer will be about life, so let’s be family, hang out, encourage and let life flow through each of us. Do you feel like planning a picnic or BBQ? Do you want to hang out with some family at the park or go for a hike? You may want to gather a small group or invite the whole family. Let’s have fun, be creative and enjoy.

If you need us to post an invitation to the whole family, let us know and we can get it on the web page for you. Also, remember to check the web page for upcoming UChurch events throughout the summer.