In-Person Gathering

In-Person Gathering

The Spirit has been guiding us into the ‘beginning ‘of the beginning of a new season.

This Sunday, we will gather to continue the discovery of what God is doing in our midst. A few people from our community will be unpacking how they are seeing the beautiful, compelling reality that is beginning to emerge amongst us. Do we dare believe that a group of imperfect people, surrendered to Christ and living in community together, can be the means of transformation for one another, ourselves, our families and our world?

If you can join this Sunday, I ask you to consider doing two things prior that would help Sunday be a true family dialogue vs. a monologue:

First, drink in the Brennan Manning quote below… what does it stir within you? Hope, fear, a ‘ya-but..’ or perhaps a good old amen?

Second, before you come on Sunday, would you please take a few minutes and listen to the podcast segment recorded earlier this year? Jodie and Karl share what God has been doing in our midst to prepare us for the new season HE is inviting us to step into. Being reminded of ‘how’ and ‘what’ He has been doing helps neutralize the fog of the ‘weapons of mass distraction’.

Click here to listen to the Podcast episode
(Start at 5:30 if you want to skip the preambles and intros)

There will also be a time for children ages eight and under to gather for fun activities.

See you on Sunday!