Faith + Facts = Wisdom


March 20, 2020

Faith + Facts = Wisdom

Hi Everyone,

As a community, we place our faith and hope in God's goodness, His abilities and His truth. With this in mind, we honour what He honours, which frees us to partner with our government and health leaders in wisdom to care for others and ourselves.

You may have already found your streams of getting information regarding government and health updates, however if you haven't found any, here are a few helpful sources you can go to online.


ALBERTA GOVERNMENT -- Use this site for up to date information from our Government Leaders on COVID-19 in Alberta. This site includes information on the current provincial prevention recommendations, symptoms and treatments.

ALBERTA HEALTH SERVICES -- Use this link to access the simple self-assessment tool if you are showing symptoms of COVID-19 before calling 811 or going to a hospital.

CANADA GOVERNMENT  -- If you're curious what is happening within all of Canada, feel free to check out this site.

WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION -- For status updates of COVID-19 around the world check here.

JOHNS HOPKINS MAP -- For an interactive global tracking map.

Stay connected.
