Love in Focus


May 20, 2020

Love in Focus

Imagine having a group of people that you would hang out with on a regular basis: a small group, a book club, a wine and cheese party, etc. You are used to seeing one another weekly or monthly. You eat, you laugh, you hug and have great conversations. Then, all of a sudden, the world shuts down and you are found longing to connect with that group of people you haven't seen in a while. After connecting with a group over Zoom, Cam Galbraith shares what he sees God revealing to our family during this unique time.

Since the revelation of Father’s love and sonship has seeped into our spiritual family, it has really altered and transformed our entire vision and trajectory. Even when we haven’t really seen it or been aware of it.  This current situation, Covid-19, has revealed and brought into focus the reality of love that we’ve all grown in together. I can see the way that God has knit together hearts within our community, come to the forefront during this ‘lockdown’ season. Everywhere I look, I can see His love being revealed with a sharper focus.

I have been blessed to be part of a smaller gathering of guys within our community who regularly pray, talk and worship together. God is showing up powerfully in very different ways every single time. It's amazing, every guy involved would say the same thing, however what God did within each of them is uniquely different. We are experiencing that God showing up in His goodness is really actually the norm.  Our norm, or expectation of it at least, is shifting - shifting through encountering Him. I've seen that we are able to go deeper than ever before in His goodness, and somehow it’s much easier than it was in the past. In this time, it seems that where we were once broken before God, the oil of intimacy is beginning to flow out of our hearts. And it’s beautiful, and it’s amazing. God is so good; so, so good. And Him in others is good; so, so good.

So here we are now, today: Lockdown. Quarantine. Socially distanced. Zoom. And in all truth, I have learned how much I miss being together in person; with our family, and with my regularly-meeting bros.  And I really miss worshipping together, with you, – you know, with live instruments together, singing in the same room beside each other; I really do. But although this is a hard, unusual season, it is nonetheless, a huge blessing; and it is not even in disguise! I suspect it has prepared our spirits and hearts - not only to come out and meet each other when our bodies can’t - but this unique time has repositioned, reoriented and recalibrated ourselves to be ready. A depth of readiness in longing, in purity of love and sincerity to come together again in God’s love and praise.

When we do come together, soon, I sense that we will be so much more present and active.  Our praises and shouts will be much louder.  Some tears of joy will trickle out of eyes that once held them in tightly.  The closeness and sincerity of physically being around one another will be valued and given thanks-for, all the more.  We will realize how much we love the physical presence and nearness God has given to us in our family. Then,  there will be the long bear-hugs. Lot's of bear-hugs. Hugs that will break down the built up dams in our hearts and release a more powerful river. When we come together, His life and love will burst out of us and we will ebb and flow together like never before.  

What a beautiful outcome of all this. The river of oneness - in Him - in one another.

What we’re feeling in this season is so pure and pleasing to God; it is of His very nature and Spirit within us.  We are like Him because of Christ our forerunner, saviour and life.  

The Apostle Paul felt the same thing with, what I sense, the same intensity. The Passion translation puts it beautifully: “My desire and constant prayer is that I would be able to come and visit you, according to the plan and timing of God. I yearn to come and be face-to-face with you and get to know you. For I long to impart to you the gift of the Spirit that will empower you to stand strong in your faith. Now, this means that when we come together and are side by side, something wonderful will be released. We can expect to be co-encouraged and co-comforted by each other’s faith! So, my dear brothers and sisters, please don’t interpret my failure to visit you as indifference, because many times I’ve intended to come but have not been released to do so up to now.For I long to enjoy a harvest of spiritual fruit among you, like I have experienced among the nations.” (Romans 1:10-13)