UChurch Summer Plan - No Corporate Gatherings for the Summer


December 5, 2024

UChurch Summer Plan - No Corporate Gatherings for the Summer

During July and August we will not be gathering at the Village, nor will we be doing any Sunday Zoom gatherings. We are all invited by our heavenly father to come out of hibernation and have a summer break!

Check out the "re·ju·ve·nate" post for more details

Enjoy one another; knock on a friend's door, and ask if they want to come out and play. Find an adventure that invigorates you. Go outside; play, camp or bike;  jump in a puddle; host some campfires; jump in the river (be safe of course!); host a backyard picnic (UChurch has some barb-b-q’s and two new bouncy castles you can use); help a neighbour; host a party.  

If you want to plan an event and need some help getting the word out, let us know - we can post it on the website and send out an email to everyone.

We are most who we are when we are at play… and remember, strangers are just friends you have not met yet.

Have a wonderful summer everyone!